IAM Local 1238 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
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Local 1238


AFL-CIO Union Privilege
     Money-saving benefits for union members & their families.
Census Bureau
     This site contains all sorts of data down to the state and county level.
IAM District 201 - Algona, IA
IAM Local 1426 - Sioux City, IA
IAM Local 1526 - Amana, IA
IAM Midwest Territory
Iowa Workforce Development
     Important information on Iowa Workers Compensation and Unemployment Compensation
     National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Home Page. This site gives information on the agency, publications, health hazard evaluations and databases. This site has extensive safety and health weblinks.
     Occupational Safety and Health Administration Home Page. This site provides information on the agency, technical support, publications and standards. In addition, the site has extensive safety and health weblinks.
Paywatch - The National AFL-CIO's new website on CEO pay
     Shows how CEO pay is skyrocketing; details what the top executives make--and how long it would take you to make that much. Also indicates what you can do about this scandal and how to "talk back.
The IAM National Pension Fund
     The IAM National Pension Fund's Pension Plan is secure, stable and growing. By all measures, the Fund is performing admirably.
The Iowa State AFL-CIO
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
     The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. is using a new Internet site to help workers locate pension money owed to them. The PBGC lists 9,887 workers who are owed more than $19 million in benefits and about 1,400 companies.
     The AFL-CIO Internet Community

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Last modified: 2/7/2014

Copyright 1996-2001, The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers